What a mathematical wonder! Named after the French Mathematician Blaise Pascal, this video is worth watching... Click here to view Pascal's Patterns.
Hi college bound students and their parents,
I want you all to be aware of collegescorecard.ed.gov. This website was just made live last Saturday, and from what I've seen it's a great use of your tax dollars. The site helps you look for colleges. It has a wealth of data for every college I know, including graduation/retention rates, average annual cost, average student debt, average income immediately after, 5 years after, and 10 years after graduation. Check it out: collegescorecard.ed.gov iLearn Academy Parents and Students,
Many of you will be taking the fall MAP tests soon. Please let us know what your MAP scores were at the end of the last school year so we can track your student's progress. Our classes are focused on Illinois state standards and improving MAP scores over time in Language Arts, Reading Comprehension, and Mathematics classes. Contact us to learn more about how we track progress and improve student scores. |
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We make a personal commitment to ensure each student is well-prepared for the academic school year.
Dedicated to helping your student succeed.
iLearn Academy 2019