Teaching writing is a time-intensive endeavor that most middle and high schools simply cannot afford.
Grading well crafted essays requires little effort. Most of the structural elements are in place and the sentences make sense. Grading a poor essay? Uh-oh... The words don't make sense inside sentences that aren't coherent within paragraphs that aren't ordered logically inside the whole essay. Yikes! And many public school districts have around 20 students in a single class, which means the chances of each student getting the individual attention their specific writing skill set requires is next to impossible. This is no small issue relegated to the English department either. Students who cannot form cogent arguments and articulate their thoughts clearly and effectively fall behind in all areas of high school, in college, and later on in life. This very writing predicament inspired iLearn Academy English teachers to take advantage of the unique amount of free time available over the summer to teach the art of writing well from the ground up, using a comprehensive curriculum that takes students through each and every step of the writing process - an experience most high schoolers will miss out on, unfortunately. iLearn Academy students will research and write about a topic of interest to them, not choose from a list of pre-approved prompts. They will put their ideas and arguments to the test, develop their vocabulary, and consider their audience. But most importantly, students of writing learn how to think. And that's a skill we cannot afford to let them pass over.
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iLearn Academy 2019